Monday, October 26, 2009

Mickey's Beer Cap Puzzle 7: Haystack, 2 Circles, Arrows, & ER

This Mickey's cap puzzle has three symbols:

1)Haystack and Pitchfork
2)2 Circles with arrow to big one
3)Arrow pointing to tip of arrow + er

ANSWER: Hey Big Tipper

DECIPHERED: haystack thus 'hey' - arrow on big ball thus 'big' - arrow on tip of other arrow thus 'tip' + er thus 'tipper'

Thanks to CoolKidCarlson for the photo!


  1. I think it means "Hey Oliver" Don't know why but the circle looks like an olive....couldn't quite make that out

  2. I said "Farmers Daughter". The hay and pitchfork for "Farm" and the circles, big one with a "dot" on it. The two arrows signifying each solitary word with "er" on it. But doesn't account for the "s" at the end of "farmers" so IDK.

  3. Go home. You guys are drunk.

  4. Hay + big + spear-end + er =
    “Hey Big Spender”
