
Monday, November 16, 2009

Mickey's Beer Cap 13: Help Us Solve This

We received a tough cap photo via email and are asking for your help solving this one. The second symbol is a golf tee, then a me/my symbol and the symbol in the bottom is an ice cube.

Please use the comments button below or email with the link on the right column if you can help.


Keith said...

Our group of 6 people has been having a really hard time with this one. The best we can some up with is "You drive me crazy"... though we think that's a bit of a stretch...

Anonymous said...

we think who ever came up with this one was slipped a mickey!!!!

Anonymous said...

first part is "You tease me" can't figure out the rest

Anonymous said...

The first part is "between you and me"!
I still can't figure out the second half.

Anonymous said...

I think the symbol on the bottom could be a box?

Anonymous said...

you drive me crazy

e1m9m8y5 said...

I thought the first part was utility man.

Anonymous said...

you tease me cracky ;)

Versace said...

You drive me crazy, icecube lookin things actually a crate

Unknown said...

You got my size...

Anonymous said...

You drive us crazy

Ringo76 said...

You for Mickey

Unknown said...

Wow nooo

Anonymous said...

You drive me cilly