This one is baffling all known answer experts and rookies alike. This is a re-post that has been an ongoing debate - and we want your take. Use the comments link below to share your thoughts/answer - no registration required - just use the anonymous choice if you dont want to post your nick.
Previous Info/Answers
This Mickey's cap puzzle has four symbols:
2)Cents Symbol - c with line thru it vertically
3)Letters UL
4)Man With Box With Light Beams
ANSWER: "Ask And You Will Recieve""
DECIPHERED: horse is donkey/ass- thus 'ass' - way' - plus the c thus 'ask' - & symbol thus 'and' - UL thus 'you will' - Man receiving items from giftbox thus 'recieve'
Previous Incorrect Answer:
ANSWER: Horsesense & You Will Be Enlightened
DECIPHERED: horse + cents thus 'horsesense' - & thus 'and' - UL thus 'you will' - man seeing the light from box thus 'be enlightened'
LOGIC: A synonym of horse sense is 'enlightenment'
Thanks to Snshnange for the photo!
Blak2oof said...I have mad props for the Mickey's Beer Cap Puzzle Answer Board and its owners....But I think the answer to this one is..."Ask and you will receive"
December 28, 2009 4:07 PM gnuorder said...Blak2oof, That makes more sense and what I first thought but I'm still not sure. The horse looking thing is usually "ass" but the box with "light beams" is usually "find". And what to do with the cents?
January 20, 2010 4:03 PM Anonymous said...are you sure? ask and you'll receive?
January 30, 2010 11:27 PM Yancy - SBTS said...A synonym of horse sense is 'enlightenment'. Im just a common man here, but I think this is key here to solving this bastard.
February 9, 2010 7:26 PM Big BIlliam - NY said...What abound Ass+Cents....Ascents..? Just throwin it out there.
Chicks Dig Rock Stars
This one is really pissin us off. The cents symbol is confusing. But it HAS to be "Ask and you'll receive"
Ascend and you'll drop?
I just got it and I'm baffled. All my family here can't figure it out either....maybe it's a mistake and worth a bunch of $$....or ¢¢
It looks more like "ass" and "cents" as in "essence."
its ask and you'll receive. fuck you retards, fuck you all; i win
No, I have it!!! Ass+cent+and= ascension! UL+find or discover...I'm finishing the last big mouth out of a six pack, brain power is diminished but ascension you'll discover...
i know the answer, you are all wrong :) you can ask me at youshouldreallylive@gmail.com if you want, but its too good of a puzzle to give away publicly.
Is it really a horse? I got it as a do key, hence 'ass'. Also, with ass + cent I got ascent or ascend.
I meant donkey
Is it possibly "Ask (ass) for a little and you'll get a lot (light)"?
Ascend and you'll drop. It's gotta be.
A sensual surprize.
Or essential discovery
Ascend and you'll find the light (as in become enlightened).
I think everyone else is strait loopie and you are correct I just know it!!!
Alan is right, a sensual surprise. You just have to add the top and bottom, and not use the & symbol in the sentence. Boom.
Say it fast 'a centennial' ... But I have no clue about the box
Assent and you'll succeed
I just got this last week. I think it is, "Ascent and you will discover".
Ascend and you will find
Ascend and you’ll drop or slip
What about assent and you'll drop?
Ascentual package? Lol
A sentinal sees
A sentinal find
Ask and you'll see ! boom !
A sentinal surprise
You have discussed an interesting topic that everybody should know. Very well explained with examples. I have found a similar
websitelight box sign visit the site to know more about sinking.
I think its "Ask and you'll receive!"
(1) its a donkey
(2) the cents is money currency and pronounced with "k" sound.
3 of us agree in my house
What does a baseball with a small case letter “a” mean
If it was supposed to be "ask" I don't think they would've used a symbol that is pronounced with an s. I think everyone saying it's "ask" are really reaching for a conclusion
Goat c & uL puke go see and you'll puke. Lol
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