
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mickey's Cap Puzzle 13: Answer from Blak2oof in Las Vegas

Unbelivable. This cap which has driven countless people mad was solved within 5 minutes by Blak2oof in Las Vegas. Asked for a statement on his work he replied "well id like to thank all the people who made it happen and where there for me".

ANSWER: You drive me crazy

DECIPHERED: letter U + golf ball teed up thus 'drive' + figure looking in mirror thus 'me' + letter C + stack of hay + Y thus 'crazy'.


Anonymous said...

this cant be right. stack of hay? no way. definitely an ice cube. c + ice + y does not make "crazy". I think you guys were stumped and settled for something you knew was not correct.

Anonymous said...

last time i checked... c-hay-y does not equal c-raz-y.
im not convinced. thats definilty ice... Hay doesn't melt!

Anonymous said...

OMG I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THIS ANSWER IS!!! It most definetly is not You drive me crazy, but it is " You Drive Me c = ?ice" + y "

... Why is there no answer out there.

Think about this, two guys are sitting in a factory and one guy says " hey dude... wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if we put one out this month that didn't have an answer..."

you can see how this would be fucking funny

Anonymous said...

it obviously says KILL YOURSELF

Anonymous said...

HELP! Has anyone figured this one out yet???
It is not crazy and if you think it is, your crazy or have had way to many Mickeys.

Anonymous said...

There is no way that is a stack of hay and C - stack of hay does not equal crazy! And it is ICE not hay!

Unknown said...

fuck you its ice!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Agreed, that art is ice in all the other cap puzzles.

MasterRy88 said...


ANDY HATCH said...

i legitimately called mickeys and they told me they could not solve it. and thats coming from the source. unsolvable, free mickeys for life.

HayIsForHorses said...

First off, it is definitely not hay, it's ice.. end of discussion. Secondly, my theory is that it is in fact "You drive me crazy" but Mickey's purposely made it so it wouldn't make perfect sense so that figuring out the riddle in itself would drive you crazy.

Anonymous said...

Not only is it not hay. But the golf ball doesn't mean drive. It means tee. It says so with all the other caps. So it's u-tee-me c-ice-y.
Now someone figure it out!

Anonymous said...

the golf ball on the t does mean T cause the golf ball is tee'd up c ice y you got me lol

Anonymous said...

you tease mickey?

Anonymous said...

Its not tee its drive and when you stop thinking of the @uzzle as 2 lines and read it together the me+c is messy so its "you drive messy I see" geesh, and I don't even drink this stuff, lol. I just get a kick out of watching my friends try!

Anonymous said...

I drive mic, I see

Anonymous said...

You Drive Mickey.

Anonymous said...

You tease mice I see. 'MY + C = MICE'

Griffon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Griffon said...

You Tease me see, I see why

Anonymous said...

you drive me K-icey
if you say the C as the (sound) that "c" and "k" make, and you say it fast with a little bit of an "accent" if you will. it starts to sound like crazy. "you drive me kazy"

doug said...

^^ irish or scottish accent works

"you drive me k-icey" little lad

mitch said...

So im the one that sent this to you guys. And its not crazy. What the fuck is it.

zarathustra said...

You tease me. See, I SEE?

Anonymous said...

U tee mecicey...
Your too messy?

Kelli Mcc said...

"you hit me, sissy

Anonymous said...

My husband figured it out, the phrase is "you teed me, see I see why".

Plymouth Gal said...

You drive mickey

Anonymous said...

You drive me crazy? That is a ridiculous stretch. So are the other possibilities others have posted. Like those before me have said: the symbols are tee, me, and ice. The proof is in all the other puzzles. Since there has not been a justifiable answer in like 3 years, I am unfortunately gonna have to chalk this up to 'someone effed up.' Very disappointing.

Unknown said...

Its Cracked Cracked Ice C + Cracked Ice + Y = Crazy

Anonymous said...

This rebus is, IN FACT, driving me crazy!!!

The symbol for ice has been used in other rebus puzzles, Like "N+ice
Catch" and "N+ice Pick up line".

The fact that Mickey's website that provides the answers for these rebus puzzles has OMITTED the answer to this one, indicates that this rebus puzzle was created to cause angst and controversy among the WONDERFUL beer drinkers of Mickey's beer.

Anonymous said...

You drive me crazy

RAZE means to dissappear (as in melting ice cube)

Anonymous said...

If the just made it ...........................
CR ____hay____Y............wuda made more sense

Anonymous said...

Fuck this cap

Steven Foster said...

You drive, because you drive a golf ball... c, ice melting, y is crazy because you have to raise the temperature to melt ice... so u is you, golf tee is drive, man pointing at self is me, c ice melting because of "raise" in temperature and y make the word crazy... TADA...

Unknown said...

You tee before Mic, I see why.
You tee before Mickeys.
You tee before me see? I see why.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think it's "you drive me crazy". If you look at the other riddles, you can make out what the pictures are supposed to stand for. The golf ball is on a TEE. This symbol has been used before side by side, making it tees or TEASE. And the other picture is NOT hay. It's ice. That one was used before too.

Anonymous said...

It’s obviously says: You Tees My Cracky! It's a crack in the ice cube!

Anonymous said...

Or: You Tees Ball Finger Cracky

Anonymous said...

In the only other example of a picture of a golf ball on a tee, when two of them are used to mean "tease", there is an arrow pointing specifically at the tee, so it's perfectly reasonable that without the arrow it could be drive instead.

Unknown said...

whenever we don't know the answer we just go with "no COCK and balls"

Unknown said...

U Tee-Me C-Ice-Y + You Seeming Saucy

Unknown said...

Why doesnt anybody pull the plastic off to look at the cap!!

Unknown said...

U tee me c melt y= your team smelly

Unknown said...

U tee me c melt y= your team smelly

Unknown said...

U drive me
C raze Y

To Raze: To demolish or destroy. The ice is melting.

You drive me crazy.

Unknown said...

I don't think the answers is "you drive me crazy" is the answers.

Unknown said...

I’ve seen the same icon used for ice on other caps.

Unknown said...

Or c-ice-y. There’s no r sound indicated. That’s probably it. Just not one of their better ones. Can’t win ‘em all I guess.

Unknown said...

U hit me sissy. Maybe? 😂

Unknown said...

I think it's an old hat "You drive me chaty"? (chatty)

Anonymous said...

It's You teasing me cutey.

Unknown said...

You tease me cause why?

Unknown said...

I agree.
A "cube" of ice

BC Girl said...

I think it's a crate not a stack of hay lol

Unknown said...

Dumber then shitt looks like a ice cube

Zach Simmons said...

I have solved this puzzle and will put the answer up whenever u are ready to hear it.

Ebrithil said...

Maybe its about grazing the hay
C + Graze + Y

Unknown said...

Yes I am ready

Unknown said...

That's not even a stack of hay it's an ice cube with a crack in it

Sy said...

No, definitely not it.

Unknown said...

You got me sissy?!?!

Unknown said...

I think it's the ice on the blanket race thing? Maybe?

Unknown said...

Or "raise" in temp?

Unknown said...

"Raise" in temp definitely makes this more believable for You drive me crazy. Im with you on that.

Anonymous said...

That is not a bail of hay. It's an ice cube

Anonymous said...


Worth said...

The answer is you drive me crazy okay the ballet he does represent drive you tried okay 107 me now there's a crack in the ice it is ice but there's a crack in it you drive me crazy that's what it is